Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Ray of Light, Forever Bright

Song of the Week:

"Another day, another pain," an old work friend of mine used to say. I have never felt the same way about each day as he did; I always looked at each day with some degree of optimism. However, today I am completely exhausted; I have just completed hours of homework; and now must go to my calculus class that starts at 7 and progresses until 8:50. What I would give for a pillow and a bed right now is absolutely absurd.

However, while today may be dreary, tomorrow is a little ray of sunshine. I only have 1 class and I get out at 12. Then, I can go home and relax, finish my homework, and enjoy the rest of the weekend free of it all. Huzzah!

Alright, I'm going to do my second weekly rating for my FI class. If you haven't been keeping up, I rate my class on a 1-5 scale in 3 categories: Clock-Watching, Class Comparison, and Cussing. If you would like to see my first rating and how exactly this works, feel free to check out my other post entitled, "Finding Purpose in an Outline".

Clock-Watching: I honestly only looked at the clock once throughout the whole time. The reason I looked was not because of boredom, but rather because I did not want to do the peer review of my classmates' papers which were scheduled for that day. It's not that I'm afraid of reviewing or being reviewed, it's that the classmate next to me, Neil, had a fucking 11-page story that I did not want to read. 11 pages! So, I'm going to give this category a: 4/5

Class Comparison: My last history class would have earned a 2.5/5 based on the fact that I was pretty bored. My teacher has a fantastic way of grasping your attention and keeping it, but it was not enough this time. I had missed the previous class and she seemed to be giving us the exact same facts as the last class I attended. Too repetitive for my taste. Thus, with that class as my basis and the fact that my FI class blew it out of the water, I give this category a: 4/5

Cussing: Ahhh, cussing. It may not be the most obvious choice of a category, but I think it was a good one. Cussing truly does seem to get everyone's attention in class. My teacher simply places a cuss word in with an exclamation and it's "funniness level" exponentially increases. I was actually tallying my teacher's choice of words until he said about 5 of them in succession, the word was in an example. I chuckled to myself as I just forgot about counting because he definitely earned himself a: 5/5

Final Average: 4/5 There was a power point, and not enough conversation time in class which made him lose a point in Class Comparison. And the fact that we had to review our classmates' papers near the end of class made me hope we wouldn't have time, thus losing him a point in Clock-Watching.

Now that that is over, I just realized that I've been refering to my teacher as "my teacher." This is getting repetitive and boring. I am going to now refer to him as Mr. Scott, so I don't completely drive you and myself crazy. And in case you want to look him up.
And, on a side note, I actually have added the list of blogs I am currently following post-by-post. Mr. Scott's blog is PunchPhoto, if you want to check that out. I actually highly recommend both blogs.

That's enough for now. I am actually worried that my blogs are becoming too long. That's why I've decided I will do at least to posts a week: A short one early in the week, and this long one after my 2nd FI class. This will help anyone that's interested in what I'm thinking, rather than a class rating. Cheers!

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