Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Council of Blogs

Video of the Day:

I have officially read at least one post from all the blogs written by my Focused Inquiry classmates. Some are interesting, some are not. However, I did notice a trend throughout them all. Whenever anyone mentioned this FI class, it was always with compliments. It seems that my classmates agree with me that our teacher is rather interesting. Or they are simply flattering him in hopes of an equal return.

Originally, I thought that I wouldn't tell you my personal labels, for lack of a better phrase. What I mean is that I wasn't going to tell you what political party I'm a part of, what religion, if any, I believe in, sexual orientation, or anything like that. The purpose of that was to protect myself from anyone making hasty generalizations about me, based on those facts. However, I have decided that I might as well tell you because I believe that it will make it more clear to you how I feel about things.

So here we go. I, Jeremy Winslow, am a libertarian, with a lower case 'l'. I want to make it clear to you that I am not a part of the Libertarian Party or I would capitalize my 'l'. There is a decent difference between the two terms, but I'll allow you to look into that, if you are interested. I would hate to bore you. Also, please do not think that I am a liberal. Once again, there is a difference between the two that has to do with social security and other such government aid.

To continue, I am not religious, though I was raised in Christianity. I was religious for most of my life, although once I decided to take an objective look at it, I was not able to believe in it. Reasons why are another story completely.

I guess the only thing left is my orientation. I'm straight, that's how I roll. I have no problems with anyone of any orientation. I openly accept any way of living anyone has, except those that I deem dangerous to our community.

So there I am. That's a little taste of me. Now I must go and write that story for Focused Inquiry so that I won't be kicked out of class tomorrow.

(Oh, and if you liked that video, go to Seth MacFarlane is doing an online mini series that just started today. There's only one more episode up there at this time, but there are a couple teasers that are worth watching also. Enjoy!)

1 comment:

brentonim0us said...

"So there I am. That's a little taste of me."

I think you taste good. Perhaps I'll poll the class on just how tasty you really are...