Wednesday, August 27, 2008

To get started...

This is my very first blog entry for my first semester of Focused Inquiry. For those who don't know, it's an english 111 class that is required for all students to take at VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University). I have to admit, at first I was skeptical. I have never truly been a fan of english classes, but this one has taken me by surprise. I can easily say hands down that this is the best english class I have ever been a part of. Not only does the teacher interest me greatly, but the topics do also. This is a class that I've been waiting for for so long, one where I can state my opinion about many different topics and be heard.
I also never thought that I'd ever spend the first 15 minutes of an english class discussing whether the Dark Knight movie was incredible or just good. Or whether I would choose the superhuman power of invisibility or flying if I was the only one who was going to get it. Either this is the perfect english class or he's just buttering us up for something much, much worse.....Crossing my fingers for the first.
Well, just to make clear my intent of this blog, I want to have at least 1 blog entry per week, commenting on what we discussed during Focused Inquiry, and then taking a broader view of what happened during the week. I also have hopes of developing a rating system through which I can rate how well each class has gone. I'm sure it'll help my teacher also if he can get a student's opinion on each class so that he has some kind of reference.
That's in the making though, something that you might see next week. As for this blog post, it's had its time. I might post something later this week, but definitely something next week.

Peace out.

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